Saturday, July 13, 2013

This Perfect Universe

I am having trouble sleeping. I find myself not wanting to go to bed because I know it means waking up to another day and I wonder how I will have the strength to face it.

When I looked into Cora's eyes today, I saw a little girl who is very tired. I think there is a real chance that we will not be able to live that dream of coming home again. We had a long and very painful conversation with Cora's primary cardiologist, who came to the hospital this afternoon, on a Saturday, for the sole purpose of talking with us. It is his sincere belief that Cora will likely not be able to make that journey.

It was a crushing blow to hear those words.

And when I went back to her room and held her in my arms, I felt in my heart that she is making her way out of this life. I think for so long I saw that she was struggling, but I believed that if she could just grow, could just get a little stronger, maybe she would pass through this phase into one without so many problems.

But when I look at her now, I have to painfully admit that she isn't going to see that freedom in this lifetime. I see the difficult pictures in my mind of all that she has endured, and I just don't want her to endure any more. And I think she feels that release, and she accepts it, and she is at peace with it.

I feel very much that I am living a master class in spirituality. In trust, in love, in letting go. The most impossible mandates of our human condition, but the ones that I must strive to achieve in order to be the best mom I possibly can be to Cora and to my other children.

This afternoon the kids visited Cora. We put them in her crib with her. (Cosie desperately wanted to put Desitin on Cora's bottom, despite the fact that she was wearing clothes at the time.) Dom looked at her with the adoring eyes he always has for her. Their connection is limitless. The three of them were absolutely meant to be together, and it has been my great privilege to make that happen, even if only for this short time.

A very wise book I know well says, "we had to fearlessly face the proposition that either God is everything, or He is nothing. What was our choice to be?" If I choose "nothing," then this experience would mean nothing but a painful and cruel reality, and it would crush me. But if I choose "everything," than I am forced to believe that this is all a beautiful part of a loving god's perfect universe, and that even though I may never understand it, I can strive to accept it.

I am in awe of how my tiny ten-pound girl has changed the world. She has elicited love from the farthest corners of the world. She has made people better. She has made me infinitely better.

When Cora's time here is done, I promise I will not feel as though she was jipped or that her life was cut short. I will believe, as I do now, that she lived the life she was meant to live from the stunning moment she was born. A life spent gathering and spreading love. I feel very blessed that some benevolent being found me, imperfect and fearful, fit to walk her through her beautiful course.


  1. Cora has touched us in so many ways and we feel a connection to her through your blog. Her life has made a strong impact on so many people and continues to remind us of the things we take for granted. She is such an extraordinary and precious little life.

  2. You definately earned a Doctorate decree Michele... But more than that you a Cora with those big wise eyes have taught us all a number of lessons. More than that I feel like Cora has brought me closer to God, not in wisdom but like she brought with her a touch of God. I still want to hold on, hoping, wishing God will step in here and make it right, but maybe it is right just like it is, and we just needed that little touch of God that you and Cora brought us.

    We are definately here trudging with you, and love you for your insistence on enjoying life, and seeing the blessings while walking thru a real shit field.

    With great respect,


  3. Here reading every word, Michele. That picture of Cora in the tie-dye onesie, sleeping. I have been staring at it, now crying at her beauty. And yours.

    Love to you. Blessings as you walk this walk.

    Dana & co.

  4. Cora is beautiful and so is her family. Your gift for words and your beautiful insight and spirit are inspiring. I'm trying so hard to find the perfect words for my admiration for your strength, the emotion that has struck my soul, and I hope they're conveyed with how I intend, without trivializing the journey. Love and hugs to you and your amazing family. Cora is such a blessing, as is your family to her. I feel it's always important to let someone know when they have touched your soul, and your postings and journey have touched mine.

  5. She is an angel of the Lord sent to us as a gift to walk us on the path to Him! Love to you and your family!

  6. Thank you Michele. Thank you for putting words to your journey for us all. Thank you for not suffering in silence. Thank you for sharing your little angel with as many of us as possible. You are most certainly not alone, in your pain, in your choices, or in the way you are loving life. I am thinking of you all everyday and especially now, wishing you peace of mind and to stay in this moment. Your gratitude and acceptance is deeply and profoundly inspiring.

  7. Michele: Prayers, prayers & more prayers for your family & friends. I cry as I read your amazing words. You have shared this amazing little girl with us & she has left such an imprint on our hearts. Please know that we are thinking about you all.

  8. Hi michelle, you are very wise beyond words and show such strength through your struggles. You and Cora are inspiring.

  9. Continue to cherish your 'borrowed angel'. You have inspired me.

  10. You have inspired me, you have inspired so many. I find myself holding my babies a little closer, hugging them a little tighter, telling them I love them more often. Tomorrow is not a guarantee but there is always a plan and a purpose isn't there? My heart is very heavy for you, your family, for little, sweet Cora. Sending love, light, and prayer from CT, from the mother of one Cora to the mother of another Cora.

  11. Michele,
    I don't have adequate words to match your eloquence nor what you are facing. But I too hold my girls a little closer. You and your family are very much in my thoughts. I send my love. Love, love, love.

  12. I am visiting your blog for the first time today, after seeing a link via Momastery. My heart breaks for you and with you. I truly feel blessed and privileged to have been able to read your beautiful and wise words and thoughts this morning...I feel like I am witnessing something incredible in the bond you and your entire familyhad with Cora. Thank you for expressing your heart through this blog, it has touched me so. What an amazing mom you are--you inspire me. Sending you so much love, healing, peach and light--from, like you, a mom of three.
