Monday, June 24, 2013


Cora busted out of the hospital today! There was some debate over whether or not they'd like to do the heart catheterization procedure, but in the end the team agreed the emphasis should be on weight gain over anything else. And because Cora has gained weight for the last four days, they decided to postpone doing a cath for a few weeks and just let her go home.

I have to say that the recent changes they made to Cora's medications have really helped. She seems to be on par with the best we've ever seen her, and I'm hoping she only improves further by being at home. Now that the meds are straight, we can heal her with happiness.

I slept at the hospital last night so I could spend some quality time with Cora before going to work at the very bright and early hour of 6am. Jason came to the hospital and got the good news about the discharge. He was able to wrap everything up and get Cora to the car, then they both picked me up from my first day back at the office.

We are getting good at getting discharged, and Jason was able to take care of everything single handedly, like a pro. Not surprising -- he is more Mom than Dad in the capability department.

So tonight everything is very plainly normal. I made some work calls while the kids ran crazy. We ate dinner together in our very own kitchen, Cora in her little seat, taking it all in. Then I let Cora float in the bath with Cosie, and Cosie helped me wash Cora's hair by carefully pouring her little pitcher of water on her head. We read books on the bed. We tucked everyone in.

I almost forgot to mention one very priceless moment during dinner preparation when Cora projectile vomited while Cosie peed all over the kitchen floor.( This scene, of course, is I'm sure being replicated in countless normal American households tonight.)

Currently Jay is on the phone having the world's most frustrating conversation with the bank who holds our mortgage about some exorbitant fees they've decided to charge for no particular reason, seemingly, except to finish the job of driving us insane.

Life goes on.

And how wonderful that it does, and that it has so generously allowed us to keep our sweet Cora with us. We have seen many heartbreaks. Our own, and so many others'. Compared to many, we have fared very well.

Tomorrow we start our in-home nursing. I'm hopeful this officially marks Phase Two: Cora's spectacular childhood of growth, rehabilitation and ridiculously beautiful times.

1 comment:

  1. Just wonderful news! enjoy every moment..
    Love you,
